“Accasciato” cheese

Cured Meats and Cheeses

It is a very old and in the past it was called the “cheese dish of the shepherds of Garfagnana” because once laid on a plate it took the form. Today it is known as “Accasciato”, slumped cheese, so called for the flaked form it assumes once removed from the molds. The “Accasciato” weighs about 2 kg and has a diameter of 24 cm, is also found in smaller shapes (about 15 cm) .It is a sheep’s milk cheese or a mixture sheep/cow. The curd, once obtained with the use of vegetable rennet of wild thistle, is obtained at a temperature of about 28 degrees and break in grains sized as a walnut. Placed in a mold stage, you leave to drain about 30 degrees for a day, turning it several times. Reached the optimum level of acidity, is salted and storing it in a cool location. It is used for self-consumption or sold locally. It can be eaten fresh, but it is good even after 40 to 60 days.