Lorenzo: spelt is his job.

Manufacturers, Restaurateurs

Lorenzo cultivates and sell spelt of Garfagnana, he is president of the consortium IGP spelt ; one who knows what he is talking about. He tells about his company, his land, and his words reflects how much the cultivation of this product is credit to this rich territory of healthy food, grown and produced with the slowness and the passion that makes things .. Good.

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“I deal with the growing, harvesting, packing and sale of spelt.  My company is located in Sillicagnana (San Romano in Garfagnana), a hilly area where you can breathe clean air. Initially created to provide jobs to the local women. We’ve gone from retail to large retailers in a few years, and now my company has become the collection point which gives 95% of the Garfagnana with about 40 farmers. The production has grown exponentially, we worked with an average of 20-30 quintals per year until you get to get a production of about 2,000 tons a year. From this year we will pass to the production of buckwheat, not being a typical product of our areas, allows us to reinforce the soil and to alternate the cultivation of spelled. For this we are collaborating with the University of Florence.

A. Ghilardi